
Comparing Tar And Chip Driveways To Gravel And Concrete

Does Tarmac Outperform These Materials?

Are you looking to update your property with a new driveway? Then you are probably wondering what material you should opt for! There are so many to choose from, and doing so can quickly become overwhelming. So, let’s help you out and explore the differences between tar and chip driveways and two other popular choices: gravel and concrete.


Tar and chip driveways are very affordable and are sought after by property owners with all kinds of budgets. Whether you are looking to transform the exterior of your home and boost its curb appeal or you want to lay new driveways across multiple commercial sites, the affordability of tar and chip makes it attractive to many.

Over time, gravel driveways can become expensive due to frequent replenishing and maintenance, making them less cost-effective in the long run.

Concrete driveways require a substantial investment in terms of materials, labour, and site preparation, and the cost of repairs and maintenance can be high.


The installation of a tar and chip driveway is a relatively straightforward process. It involves applying a layer of hot liquid tar to the prepared surface and then covering it with a layer of aggregate (which are the chips that you see in the name of the material). The process is less time-consuming than many other driveway materials, and it dries quickly too.

While gravel driveways are quick to install, they require frequent regrading and replenishing to maintain their appearance and functionality.

Concrete driveway installation is a complex and time-consuming process. It involves excavation, formwork, and a waiting period for curing, all of which can extend the project and cause costly delays.

Visual Appeal

Tar and chip driveways give your property a rustic, natural appearance. They can be customised with various types and colours of aggregate to match the overall aesthetic of your home or business premises. This makes them suitable for modern and period properties alike – and once you start noticing them in your local area, you’ll spot them everywhere!

Gravel driveways are susceptible to erosion, displacement, and the accumulation of weeds, which can detract from their appearance.
Some homeowners may find concrete less adaptable to certain architectural styles, and they aren’t a natural fit for very old properties with a lot of period features.

Choosing The Right Team

In conclusion, while tar and chip driveways have some upfront costs, they still come out on top when pitted against concrete and gravel drives.

If you choose to have a tar and chip driveway installed, it’s vital that you choose the right team to carry out the work. A trusted specialist in tar and chip driveways will be able to show you examples of their previous work and will be able to tailor their approach to bring the vision you have for your outdoor space to life.

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